Congratulations to Takuya for receiving the Osamu Hayaishi Memorial Scholarship!
Takuya Osakada, postdoc in the Lin lab, has been awarded the 2021 Osamu Hayaishi Memorial Scholarship for Study Abroad. It was...
Welcome to the Lin Lab!
Ashley Urtecho and Avni Varshneya- undergraduate volunteers
Congratulations Dongyu, 2020 FENS Forum Travel Award winner!
Congratulations to our postdoc, Dongyu, for receiving the 2020 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum Travel Award.
News and Views article published in Nature!
Congratulations to Dayu for publishing this recent New and Views in Nature!
Congratulations undergraduate volunteer, Maria!
Congratulations to Maria Grba, our former undergraduate volunteer, for her acceptance to Midwestern University at the Chicago College of...
Paper published in Neuron!
Congratulations to Dongyu, Dayu, and their collaborators for publishing Hierarchical Representations of Aggression in a...
Review paper published in Current Opinion in Neurobiology!
Congratulations to Veronica Diaz for publishing Neural circuits for coping with social defeat! Read it here!
Congratulations DURF Recipient, Govind Shekaran!
Congratulations to our undergraduate volunteer, Govind Shekaran, for receiving the Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund grant from NYU!